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Instrument-Making and Automation Means. Encyclopedic Textbook The "Instrument-Making and Automation Means. Encyclopedic Textbook" journal is issued since 2001.
This is the first Russian monthly journal completely devoted to reference information on instrument- and system-making. The journal publishes a wide variety of reference information on topics such as instrument-making, communication and telecommunication means, safety systems, materials and components, and automation means.
The journal is a reference source for specialists working on the development, production, and exploitation of instruments and automation means, and also for scientists and designers, engineers and technologists, educators, students, and postgraduate students.
Our aim is to help producers to improve their production process and marketing and to help customers to better use the products.
We encourage submissions from producers of instruments and automation means.
The papers are published free of charge.
We are offering advertising space in the journal.
Last news:
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